BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:Asia/Dubai X-WR-TIMEZONE:Asia/Dubai BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Dubai;VALUE=DATE:20240626 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Dubai;VALUE=DATE:20240627 DTSTAMP:20231208T171755Z URL: e-east/ SUMMARY:Fintech Summit Middle East DESCRIPTION:\n\nFintech Summit Middle East\, taking on April 24\, 2024 in M anama\, Bahrain\, will bring together 300+ professionals from across the f intech\, payments\, banking\, retail\, e-commerce\, tech firms\, fintech s tartups and investors to discuss the latest innovations\, challenges and t he future direction of the industry.\n\nThe event will offer a unique plat form for startups\, investors\, and industry leaders to connect and capita lize on the growing fintech market in Bahrain.\n\nAttendees can expect a s eries of panel discussions\, fireside chats and networking sessions. They will get to exchange ideas on emerging trends\, regulatory frameworks\, an d future possibilities.\n\nThe event will feature discussions on a range o f critical industry topics\, including the economies of the future\, digit al banks\, innovation growth in small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) pa yments\, payment innovation\, embedded finance\, open banking\, and sustai nability.\n[button link="" icon="Select a Icon" side="left" target="blank" color="d0ba9b" textcolor="ffffff"]Register her e[/button] ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: 0/Fintech-Summit-Middle-East.jpg LOCATION:The St. Regis Hotel\, 5th Circle\, Shafiq Al-Hayek St.\, Amman\, J ordan\, Jordan X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=5th Circle\, Shafiq Al-Haye k St.\, Amman\, Jordan\, Jordan;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=The St. Regis H otel:geo:0,0 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Dubai X-LIC-LOCATION:Asia/Dubai BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20230627T000000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0400 TZOFFSETTO:+0400 TZNAME:+04 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR